Conditions There are many conditions that can affect a character. If a character is under the effect of more than four conditions, you can view the complete list affecting that character by clicking on any button labeled CONDITIONS. Conditions preceded by a hollow diamond ◊ are temporary and will wear off over time. Conditions preceded by a solid diamond ⌥ are permanent, and can only be removed by some other means.
NOTE: You may hold down the command key while clicking on the CONDITIONS button to display the conditions of all characters in the party at once.
In Retreat: The character will attempt to run away from battle.
Helpless: The character is at the mercy of the enemy. The next attack on the character will knock the character to 0 Stamina.
Tangled: The character's movement is halved.
Cursed: It is easier for monsters to hit the character during combat, and more difficult for the character to hit monsters.
Magic Aura: It is easier for characters to hit monsters during combat, and more difficult for monsters to hit characters.
Stupid: A stupid character will not be able to cast spells.
Silenced: characters who have been silenced will not be able to cast spells.
Slow: Slows movement to half, and reduces the number of attacks.
Speedy: Increases movement rate and number of attacks.
Shield Hits: Makes the character harder to hit during combat.
Shield Pro Jo's: Makes the character immune to NORMAL missile fire such as arrows and darts.
Poison: character takes damage every round until the toxin is removed from the blood or it wears off.
Regenerate: character regains stamina at an incredible pace.
Protection from Fire: character gains resistance to fire, which reduces the damage taken from all types of heat by half.
Protection from Cold: character gains resistance to cold, which reduces damage taken from all types of cold by half.
Protection from Electrical: character gains resistance to electricity, which reduces damage taken from all types of electricity by half.
Protection from Chemical: character gains resistance to chemicals, which reduces damage taken from all types of chemicals by half.
Protection from Mental: character gains resistance to mental attacks, which reduces damage taken from all types of mental attacks by half.
Protection from 1st Level Spells: character is immune to all 1st Level Spells.
Protection from 2nd Level Spells: character is immune to all Spells through 2nd Level.
Protection from 3rd Level Spells: character is immune to all Spells through 3rd Level.
Protection from 4th Level Spells: character is immune to all Spells through 4th Level.
Protection from 5th Level Spells: character is immune to all Spells through 5th Level.
Protection from Evil: Makes the character more difficult to hit by monsters that are evil.
Strong: character is artificially strong, which allows them all the benefits of having gained the additional strength.
Invisible: character is invisible, which allows them to move away from monsters in combat without the monster getting an attack from behind. Attacks against the invisible character will be made at -10%.
Animated: character is dead, and has been animated. No Victory Points will be awarded this character for any reason. This character is now a member of the Undead until raised from the dead.
Stoned: character has been turned to stone. character will be a statue until a Stone to Flesh spell has been cast upon them.
Blind: character has been blinded, which reduces their effectiveness in battle.
Diseased: character will take damage over time until they recover from the disease, or until a Cure Disease spell has been cast on them.
Confused: character is confused and will vary their actions. Sometimes they will run in fear, while at other times, they may attack the enemy or even their friends.
Reflecting Spells: The character is reflecting all spells that are cast at them, thus affecting the caster.
Reflecting Attacks: The character is reflecting all attacks, thus damaging the attacker.
Attack Bonus: The character is more likely to be successful in physical attacks during combat.
Hindered Attacks: The character is less likely to be successful in physical attacks during combat.
Defense Bonus: The character is less likely to be hit by physical attacks during combat.
Hindered Defense: The character is more likely to be hit by physical attacks during combat.
Absorb Spell Points: Magical caste characters will gain spell points when attacked with magical spells. They will still suffer the effect of the spell.
Absorbing Energy: Magical caste characters will gain spell points over time at an increased rate.
Energy Draining: characters will lose spell points over time.